Monday, June 17, 2002

Like Sand Through the Hourglass....

I have just realized why I never have bought anything over the internet before. Its quite simple really - when it is something I really really want - I must have instant gratification. And, as I sit here bitting my nails and obsessively tracking my PDA on UPS, I realize that I may never ever do this again. I could have had it shipped faster, but it would have cost me 20 dollars in shipping, and when you are already spending an arm and a leg, you just don't want to spend that extra cash. Not to mention the fact that to me, that 20 dollars is really closer to 35, since it is in USD.

So here I sit - reading more reviews about my PDA, feeling a little nervous - what if it is defective? Then I will be waiting longer! And what if it is late and I have to wait another week? People have had problems with this PDA - but I am assuming from the dates on their posts, that they haven't happened recently, meaning maybe Sony stepped it up. Call me paranoid, but there are just soo many things that can go wrong when you don't have your 500 dollar investment in your hand.

Right now, the last time my Clie (whom I have yet to give a birth-name) was scanned, she was in Reno, Nevada. It took her 2 days to get 34.8 miles from Fernley, NV. Why do I know this? Because I was curious how far it had travelled - and how far it had yet to travel. Baring in mind that UPS is fast - even on ground - the driving time from Reno to Seattle is approximately 15 hours. I don't think UPS is 24 hour travellers.. so I better get comfy. Hopefully (and with some luck) she will arrive for Thursday or Friday. Then I will have all weekend to be sure that she works to my standards... she is ohhh so beautiful.

So enough, I know none of you care, and probably didn't even re -

HOLY SHIT ITS HAILING OUT!!!!! Woah. Now its raining really hard... power flickered... even though I am on a laptop - I should go...

If you get an idea for my Clie's name - email me


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