Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Wow, That Sucked

So I had written you a highly intelligent and witty post a few nights ago, but blogger fuckled up and never posted it. Basically it presented you with some interesting links and occurances of the day. I am at school, and I have about an hour to waste, so I guess I will recreate the moment with all that is good in the world.

I found the perfect wife for my brother today. She is a little older than him but it seems they have the same feelings about mowing the lawn. I think I should tell my brother about this so that he goes outside and mows the fucking lawn.

The lameness of last night was at its pinacle as Kat and I furthered our skills in procrastination by watching the Miss America Pagent. Do I really need to stress the fact that Texas should have won? I mean, Miss Massachussets was pretty and all, but she was no Texas. All this crap about it not being about beauty... Did you see one fat girl on there?

Finally, for some entertainment, there are a few things of interest.

1.Gigglestick - Check out Grandpa Grumble, the games and the cartoons. Very funny.
2. Dear Raed - causing contraversy all over the web is dear raed. Raed is apparently living in Iraq and tells his story via the net. An interesting read - I personally think its for real, while otheres seem to beg to differ. Check him out - give him a read.

For now I must go. I am in class afterall and paying attention is the name of the game.


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