Friday, May 17, 2002

Repititious Tara - I'm Sooo Sorry :-(

I am. I am very sorry, and I have noticed lately that my hits per week have dropped, so you guys have stopped reading little old me. Oh well... all for the best I guess... BRITNEY SPEARS JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE BREAKUP! FREE XXX PORN SEX NAKED ANNA KORNIKOVA

Maybe that will help. LMFAO. Okay so I'm all alone on that one.

I want to say out loud that I am very sad today. A very close friend of mine has had something terrible happen to her (name and incident not to be mentioned here for privacy concerns) and I know she knows who she is. I send out my heartfelt condolences, as well as my love, support and prayers to her. She will make it through this and continue to brighten the lives of those around her.

I am presently in Seattle visiting with D for the weekend. I am sure we will venture off to see Attack of the Clones in the local cinerama - same place I saw Lord of the Rings (the theatre is very comfortable with an extra large screen) I wnated to mention a few things.

1. I finally saw "Don't Say A Word" with Michael Douglas. If you feel like wasting a few hours the movie itself is decent. I personally would have liked to see more development with the character of Elizabeth, and less of the female cop role. It ended in a highly cheesy fight which was overly predictable.

Anyway, I have to go pick up a bottle of red for dinner.. its time for some anti stress love action :) Gotta love my boo.

P.S. I hope this finds everyone in good health. There seems to be something in the water, and after watching er the other night.. I am saddened by the chance of a horrible future for this continent.


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