Friday, January 31, 2003

Keeping Light-Hearted in a Time of Sorrow

Hey Kids :)

I have been thinking alot about the state of the world, and while others use their blogs to rant and rave about this stuff - I have decided to limit the amount of depressing stuff I post on this site.
I just thought I would share how I was feeling regarding this.

I cleaned my room today. Because I am always moving to and from Seattle and school, I never seem to have enough time to clean my room and live in it. I made the conscious decision to stay home this weekend - for reasons of school and family maintenance - and I am now sitting in an immaculate room, pondering having a bubble bath and reading my book. What book you ask?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey - Comes highly recommended by many of my professors, and has become my new passion. I am going to put together a journal to keep track of my thoughts.

I am sure I will write more soon, but for now, I want to hop in the tub before Presidio Med is on - I love that show!



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