Wednesday, October 13, 2004

People are Like Fingerprints

I was laying in the bathtub thinking about how people are like fingerprints. Some people leave a good impression in your brain and can be recalled easily. Others may have been a passing in the night and just left a smudge. When Kat's apartment got broken into, the forensics guy said that conditions have to be just right to get a good impression so that you can actually use the print. I found that fascinating, and really, it applies to people.

Some people leave negative good impressions. These are the people you tend to think about even if you don't want to. They just come up in your mind... perhaps an event sparked it, perhaps a scent - but the impression comes to mind. Conversely, there are the impressions that are positive, that when you think of them you smile, and say "wow, I'm really glad I met that person."

On that note, perhaps we should go through life trying to leave people with the positive good impressions. Granted, we all do things at some point or another that we wish we could take back, or wish we hadn't said something, or perhaps even a negative thought, and that impression stays with you... but the point is.. try. Try to leave good fingerprints.


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