Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Alright.. Speaking of my mommy....

When I get a thought, I must go with it, especially if it is creative. So, today, having a presentation at 7, and still having to do the work for it, I had a thought, and woke up in a hurry to call Alana and share my new thought. As I ranted and rumbled on about how we should handle this presentation the other line rang.

It was the Catholic Church.

My mom, working on her second offense, has an overdue - Church Library Video. Don Bosco to be exact. He is a guy who helped kids, and here my mom is depriving the kids of the video for the kids. Why? Well, she says - "Well, I asked so and so to bring it back soo many times" as if that would have worked when I was a kid. I can see it now, Tara skips school and she says "Well, I asked so and so to take notes for me..." Uh, huh. So its her second offense because get this - mom stole a rosary from Jesus. Oh yeah. This gets good. And see the beauty of all this, is if you know my mother she is the sweetest thing. She knows this is just funny because my mom wouldn't steal (because if she did, she could'nt have lectured all 3 kids in this house about it) but while sitting in prayer and grace, she was holding the church rosary - and nonchalantly walked out with it.

This may not be funny to most, but lets put it in simplest terms.

My mom steals from the Church. Which isn't exactly true either. She "borrows' from the Church and she has always given them back. And in all reality, she will be giving the movie back tomorrow. It was just something that slipped her mind (she works alot... takes care of us... goes to the gym.. shes wonderwoman)

Well, anyway, on to other ridiculous things. (Hey Lisa, if you were a lesbian would you have sex with me) Maybe I will get hits just because I typed "Lesbian"
Queer as Folk. Anyone ever seen it (no boys I don't suspect you would watch it unless you were gay... unfortunately you have weak stomaches for the nude scenes) anyway, if you are female and for whatever reason get either Showtime in the US or Showcase in Canada... you get Queer as Folk. Its a fabulous story about gay boys and a set of lesbians (there I go again, hit maker.. yay!) its a look into the lives of gay people. They are totally out of control. I don't really have anything funny to say about it, because I don't even know that you all could relate. I could say sometihng like... if Emmett were any more fairy-like he would grow wings. But you see, that would not be relatable. So, I will leave it to see if in fact I get hits based on the Lesbians. Comment if you watch it.

Now I KNOW that if my mommy is reading this, she is not impressed with that last paragraph. Maybe I should have warned her before it... SKIP IT MOM!!!
Lookie! 6 people have been to my blog since yesterday, and that doesnt even include me!

I need coffee... we have no cream... meeee saaaaaddd........


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