Wednesday, March 27, 2002

I wish i were smarter. I have NO idea how to put links in my pretty little link spot over there on the right. And I don't know how to put my guestbook code in, so all you peoploe out there going wow, nice template, I want to tell her.. should just email me at which I would link but I know most of you don't use outlook and therefore would only get annoyed by it like I do.

So what do you think of my template? I realize, by reading other blogs that I think this is going to be more of a rant page and a story telling page than it will be a journal. I get annoyed by people who feel the need to sit there and tell you how their class was canceled or their boyfriend is depressed, or how they were raped by a dog when they were children. What-ever. Shut up.

SO what is there to talk about at this time? How about final exams? Nawww.. not enough of you (my loyal readers) are in school... How about the new tv show "Under One Roof"?

What a concept. Five families living under one roof - to win a dream house in Fiji. Can you believe that shit? I personally found it amazing given most families can't get along for longer than 3 days in one house, let alone having 5 families of different order. So far it seems interesting - but last night was only the first episode. Catch a second one on Friday night at 8 PST (I believe) or see UPN for more information.

I will have the sitemeter and the guestbook as soon as Patrick comes online and tells me how the fuck to do it. Sheesh Tara... you better start learning this shit.


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