Thursday, March 21, 2002

A Fascinating 24 Hours

Something is in the air. What it is, I may never know, but in the last 24 hours, weird things have been happening. People turning up after being AWOL for a year, people phoning and enlightening me with 'what really happened with Dickhead', and then, it happened. I had an unexpected dinner guest. This is the focus of the story.

I personally believe in God. And, I believe God has a sense of humor. This has been shown to me on many occasions, but tonight was the icing on the cake. Recently I found out that the person in my life I do not like (we will call them Jamie as to be completely androgynous) will be spending even more time with me than I planned. I thought I had a couple more weeks of Jamie, and then I would never have to see them again. As it turns out, we should tap at least another 3 months onto that. How did I find this out? Well, I decided to talk to Jamie about my feelings. I decided to put it out in the open, that it was not that I wanted to be rude, I just wanted to do what was best for all those involved. That meant not making any effort to talk to them on a social level. They agreed, although I think they felt hurt. They made a snide untrue comment, which by the way I let slide, and that was the end of the conversation. I felt better, hell, I felt like singing. Make note to yourself that this happened yesterday.

It is now Thursday evening, and I am cooking dinner for the family. I rolled out some fresh pasta, and made a nice marinara sauce with a hint of red wine, with some caesar salad and steaks. It was lovely, and for a moment I felt like my normal self. Just as dinner was about to be plated, the door bell rang. Enter Jamie.

Yep. You heard me. Jamie. I didn't know how to take this and asked Jamie what they were doing at my house. They said that they just thought they would stop by, have a social visit rather than being bombarded with our usual stressful tasks. I decided to bite, and invited them in. As I finished up dinner, I felt as though I should offer dinner to Jamie, and did so. While this whole situation was relatively uncomfortable (I don't know if it was because of my feelings for this person, or whether it was because I looked like hell and was still in my pajamas) it actually turned out nice. Jamie asked me if I wanted to come out to their place and watch a movie or something - I declined as "L" was coming over later on, and after a peaceful dinner with light conversation, Jamie left, not overstaying their welcome (for a change).

Something is in the air, God has a sense of humor, what EVER you want to attribute to the dinner, the phone calls, and my awakenings in the last 24 hours... I think my current situation with Jamie has opened a new door of understanding, if not tolerance.


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