Sunday, February 02, 2003

A Shitty Day Had By All

Yesterday Sucked.

Wake up in the morning only to hear about the Columbia and be instantly filled with sadness. My father saw the shuttle hit the sky when he was in Florida. Brought it rather close to home for him. Then, I drag my butt downstairs to feed Mr. Bilbo, the newest member of my fishy family. A beautiful male betta, lavender in color with blue fins, which eventually turn into cranberry and are then laced with white, he was an impulse buy. I fell in love with him instantly.

Mr. Bilbo died yesterday of unknown causes. I believe it was some sort of parasitic infection, there seemed to be nothing I could do to save him. I tried, I really did, but eventually I spent the better part of my afternoon watching him die. It was 4:25 when he was officially dead. I would have given him a proper funeral and burried him in the front yard, but it woudl have been like burrying someone you met two days ago - we weren't that attached. So Mr. Bilbo went to the bathroom only to float down the tunnel of doom.

I am happy to report all other fishies are doing fine. My friends at Petfish were wonderful and supportive.

This weekend lacked - I stayed home instead of going to Seattle to clean my room and do homework. I am assuming it isn't that obvious that I wish I had gone to Seattle as I would have much prefered to spend it with D. But alas, I sit here doing homework (lovely) - well sorta, I am actually typing to you guys right now.

It's off to watch Mr. Deeds now - hope all is well in your world!



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