Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Associate's Degree vs. Diploma - The Trials and Tribulations of a New Grad and Her Resume


My life, lately, has consisted of resumes, recruiters, and redundancy. The three R's of a job hunter. I know I haven't written much lately, and I am sorry, but people - bear with me here - I have to get a life.

So my dilemma of the week? (Maybe you have some insight) In America, a post-secondary diploma isn't called a diploma and the word "diploma" is generally associated with high school. Where I went to school? I earned a "Diploma" in Marketing Management and most of the Business Management "Diploma."

So through the grapevine, with a little help from my friends, I got a lead on a job in NYC. And so, I send my resume to an acquaintance. "Forgive my ignorance, but what is a diploma?"

I had this argument already today. If I call it an Associate's Degree - am I lying or being misleading? If the common term of understanding is Associate's for a two year college or univeristy degree - then should I just call my "diploma" an "Associate's" to further the understanding of both parties?

Yeah, I know this is a lot less interesting than me stressing over group/team trials and tribulations, but this job is pretty important and not only would open doors for me, but would allow removal of friction and stress for other people in my life. And I'd like to do that.

What one recruiter says to do, another says not to do. What one person says is really important, another says isn't. How do I know when the information I am getting is correct? How to do I know before I ask? How to I tailor everything? HOW CAN I DO A JOB IF I CAN'T EVEN GET THE RESUME RIGHT? I feel so... discouraged. So unqualified. So... wrong. I wish I could go back in time and be a fetus.

If you have some thoughts on this subject, there is a neato little comments button. Oh, and if you are a recruiter or know of a job in marketing..................... hit that button.

I hope all is well and employed in your world.