Friday, September 19, 2003

The Nightmare of the Week - The RIAA

As an MP3 user, I suck. I don't share. Why don't I share? Primarily because of restrictions made by my ISP, but the other half of the story is... I like bandwidth. This makes me a leech. There are people out there who are hardcore and share CRAZY amounts of music. The RIAA (as I am sure you already know) is targeting these people on Kazaa.

The thing is, the RIAA is not helping themselves. If they were smart, they would figure out a way to WORK with people as opposed to working against. For example, if the RIAA made music affordable to the mass market, and the huge assed stores like HMV, Virgin or Tower didn't make a gazillian dollars off of us, then it would be great. If people like to go to these stores they can pay more. Personally, I'd buy albums if I could preview them off the net, then buy the album, having it sent to me. This would lower their distribution costs, and costs to me. If I could buy an album for 10 bucks, I'd buy it. But they fuck you and have you paying like 20 dollars for a cd, which is RETARDED when the artist usually gets less than a dollar per song. Furthermore, artists should be paid on participation. Someone like Britney who don't do shit cept sing and perform, should make money based on her performances, and her singing. Why does she get more than the song writer and person who MAKES the music. She just sings it.

Anyway, I'm done. My nightmare? Getting my parents sued for thousands of dollars. Yeah, that would make me buy music. Makes you want to get dialup or something where your IP changes all the damn time so you can just keep downloading and avoiding the shit the RIAA wants to through at us.


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