Monday, April 28, 2003

Live, From Seattle, It's Monday Night Live!!!!

I miss my w.bloggar so that I can just keyboard shortcut what I want to do with html. Nevertheless, as I sit in Seattle, sleepless of course, I have a thought of how wonderful life can be. I have many influences in my life that would like me to do certain things that I am not sure that I am ready for. It is times like this, when I am alone with myself that I realize that all I need to do to be happy is grow some cahunas (balls.. SP?).

D and I are having a great time and spent the afternoon in the sun at volunterr park. It was great, and I got a chance to ready my book in the sun. scoring a little sun on the shoulders courtesy of my tank top outfit. I will be home on Sunday night for those of you who wish to call me.

There is much love surrounding me right now. I like to feel the warm and fuzzies and be happy being me.

What are the odds of getting hit on twice in one day, in a gay neighbourhood, both by straight guys? Do the math and get back to me.


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