Saturday, November 15, 2003

Buttfarts and Poodiddles

Huh? What? Ohhhhh Right! Buttfarts! Poodiddles!

Yeah. I don't know where the shit I come up with comes from, and maybe one day I will understand it - but for now, we will just have to accept it. Evenutally it won't matter anyway.

So, regarding yesterday's entry, today the said person made and attempt to reconcile what has already been lost. As expected, it was everyone's fault but their own. Which brings me to the topic of responsiblity.

There aren't enough people in this world that are willing to take responsibility for their own actions. Rather than saying "You know what? I fucked up." They put it on everyone else. They are victims of circumstance. Nothing they ever do is their fault. They are the same people that blame being late for work on the red light, the stupid pedestrian, or the minor fender bender that they slowed down to look at. These people, characteristically, continue their ways because they can get away with it. There are many of these people, so all they have to do is find another person that is also full of shit, and get the pity they desire. Sometimes they get attention from the events that caused the consequence to occur, and therefore find that if they keep screwing up and keep blaming it on other occurances, people will feel sorry for them - hence the false sense of attention.

Usually, people like me, upon hearing such crap, turn their backs and make a face. You know the face... rolling eyes,raised eyebrows, and half down-turned mouth. Eventually, nothing these people say or do is going to be thought to be of importance - it becomes the boy who cried wolf - only this time, the crying was a plethora of excuses that really have nothing to do with reality.

My words?

Grow the fuck up.


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