Thursday, October 30, 2003

A Pimple With It's Own Pulse

Have you ever had a pimple that was so hard, and beneath the surface that when you put your finger on it, it felt as though it had its own pulse? Yes, I know this is a disgusting conversation... but I think it has to be said. Lisa and I used to call these.. Mohicans. Why? We don't know. They are big, tough, and terribly painful.

I hate them. They hurt. And I have one in a ridiculous place. The side of my nostril. It hurts. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Ignorance is Bliss

I do believe that some time ago, I wrote an entry discussing the fact that we live in a bubble. By this I mean that the majority of our peers have no idea what is going on in the world, fail to choose or form their own opinions, and constantly live in denial.

I have been frequenting a few different message boards lately to see just what kind of people where out there. One of the boards I joined should have been filled with people who, like me, have achieved some level of higher education. The beauty of higher education is it asks you to question what you know, and draw conclusions for yourself. At least this is what I value as an outcome of obtianing it. So why is it, that the highest level of ignorance was witnessed on this board? Petty arguments, poorly formed arguments, attacks of character, and blatant stupidity have seemed to be the common place on this particular forum for the past week. I wonder to myself - why argue? It isn't as though they are willing to really look at what they are saying - and their arguments are not even backed with evidence or knowledge, they are backed with half-assed alligations (and me, being the way I am, must have some form of evidence or strong argument to make me change my opinion, wasn't challenged to say the least). So what I saw happening was personal attacks on people - purely out of ignorance, and lack of ability to say three simple words. "I am/was wrong."

Why are these words so hard for my generation (and those below me) to say? We have been brought up in a society that is filled with excuses and assumptions. No one is willing to take responsiblity for their thoughts or feelings, and everyone claims they are open-minded, when in reality, they are only open to ideas that please them or fit into their own personal schemas. I suppose, in my generation, ignorance really is bliss.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Look Ma! A New Lake!

In my 23.87 (approximately) years on this earth, in this town, I have never seen such flooding. Some idiot with a brand new benz drove into the middle of a lake on 152, while people in Pemberton are using their Jet Ski's to get around. We in BC went from a fire situation to a flooding situation inside of 3 weeks. What's even more fucked up is that its warm... like its not cold wet rain, its warm wet rain. It's tropical.

Oh I have soo much to write but it's early and I am dumb. I have homework to take care of... and I'm addicted to another Nancy Drew game... if you like mysteries, I'd recommend picking up the games.. they are point, click, pickup, solve puzzles, solve mystery type games... be warned men, they are rather "Nancy-ish" lol. THAT WAS A FUNNY! Sorry if that offended anyone... it was staring me in the face and I just woke up - my humor is still off and in the gutter.

Ugh.. economics time, clean your room tara time... hope all is well in your world

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Trickery, Pure and Simple

So, I look outside this morning. The sun is shining so brightly I am blinded while sitting at my computer studying my ever-so-interesting economics. I think, "Wow, I should go outside to study." So I pack up my stuff, move my bum down the stairs, slide on some shoes and step out into the warm autumn air.

Wait a minute... warm? Did I really just say that? I realize that if in fact I am going to study outside, one needs a coat. A warm one. It is way to damn nipple-y there. By the time I got back inside, I changed my mind. I was cold and I wanted a blankie.

Back to studying, watchin Y&R @ 3, and Oprah at 4. Decide to study again, fail due to blogger, and here I am.

The sun is trickery. Perhaps if it was warm, I'd be out there right now, studying.

Midterm tonight. I should study.. Awe phuk. Guilt. Fear. Post.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

It's Just Those Rainy Days....

I know we need rain. I know we need winter. I know when it starts to snow and I can go to the mountain, strap on a snowboard and glide down enjoying the beautiful scenery, that at that very moment, I will love winter. But man, is it dark.

This morning (which was closer to afternoon), I awoke to a dark room with my blinds open. Grey, foggy, misty, cool sky flooded into my room through my open window. I stretch and say to myself, "2 more hours."

It was already 10.

This year, I will succeed again in avoiding the impending depression through exercise and motivation from the inside. But how hard is it when you look outside and all you want to do is curl up into a little ball with a warm blanket, cup of tea and a book that does not require you to take notes and later be tested on the definitions?

Speaking of which, it is that time again. Midterms have peaked their ugly heads out from the calander - making menacing faces at me with their three-pronged devil swords. We are coming, they say to me, as if taunting me to go back to reading Anna Karenina. I say to them that I know, and that I will buckle down in a few minutes... but they loom, contorting their faces in ever-changing, increasingly ugly ways.

I open the economics textbook and begin reading about the relationship between sales tax and the consumer vs. sales tax and the seller. Elasticity over time and why this matters. I suppose in the long run it does matter. It helps you to understand the news and the way things work. But good Lord it is the most boring read ever. Anna Karenina at least has an engrossing plotline and loveable characters.

I have chosen my destiny - or at least what my destiny is to be for the next two years. I love it, really I do. Sometimes though, that rock outside looks good, and crawling underneath it doesn't seem impossible or uncomfortable. In fact, it feels like a perfect fit.

Stupid ISP Policies, as Defined By Empress Tara

1. If we don't see a problem, there obviously isn't one and it is all in your head.
2. Please don't download more than 6 gigabytes, because it hurts our feelings.
3. Customer Service is overrated.
4. Your level of importance is the size of a grain of sand on Mars.
5. Nothing is ever our fault.

I hate ISP's. It is really ghey that they limit you on what you can download but advertise how much faster you can do just that. It is really ghey that when I have connection issues, they blame me - when it JUST started happening. And it is really GHEY that they don't have a fucking suggestion on what the problem is.