Tuesday, December 09, 2003


How is it that people who fancy themselves to be ever so honest and polite are usually the same people that spend 90% of their time lying to themselves? I know a few people right now that are doing just that - in fact, they have chosen not to deal with any of their problems in hopes that they will magically disappear. It is to this, I have to say, "Puh-lease."

I am so sick of people who sit and make up excuses for their bad decisions. As if they are just big victims of circumstance. It is everyone elses fault. It was too hard. I just didn't do it. Or the best one - I don't know... I just did it.

I'm not perfect. I never said I was. But I do know that that which has been the most rewarding in my life required me to sacrifice something. Required me to work harder than I had ever thought possible. And when I was done, and I had whatever the reward was in my hand (most cases, something as intangible as a grade), I could be proud of that. I could be proud because I busted my ass to get it.

So for all you people out there who are sulking right now... stop it. Get off your ass and do something.


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