Alive... Sorta
You will notice, interesting stuff happening to my little site in the next couple days (provided you are an avid reader of my little corner) as Pat strives to bring our little world to perfection. The guestbook is back, my archives, and a few links to some friends and some other interesting people.
And now on to my morning, D has been up early because work is calling him. He must man the phones and therefore, I get to hear him man the phones. I drift in and out of sleep during this time so when I finally wake up, I am as I am right now. Groggy. Of course, this does not mean my mind is not active, it just means I am not yet speaking. Lisa, one of two best friends, wakes up in the most cheerful mood. She is lively and active, and could probably dive into doing a sink full of dishes and washing a floor by hand. Kat wakes up groggy as well, but she dives right into a cigarette (come to think of it, so does Lisa) which is something I literally can not stand (we will get back to that a little later). And then there is me. I sit there, or lay there, depending highly on my level of energy that morning. I do not speak for the first 30 min or so, unless spoken to. On a rare occasion, when I wake up to sunlight streaming in on my face and fresh cold air - I am up and aiming for the sky. This hasn't happened since I got into the dark room.
Let’s take a moment to share one of my biggest indoor pet peeves now shall we?
I am a smoker. Let it be known to those who stumble upon my site. Smoking does not bother me under any condition - EXCEPT one.
One little condition and my two best friends have just learned not to do it. Do not smoke in my room while I am still sleeping or if I have just woken up. There is nothing so rank as the smell of smoke while you are trying to sleep. I think that might be what it smells like to non-smokers all the time. And if that is the case, I will not do that to a non-smoker again. And let’s just say that by non-smoker I mean those who have never smoked. I hate people who are like fucking converts to a religion. They quit smoking and feel so fucking righteous that they can come and attack me. People like that suck. They are hypocrites. But, if you have never smoked (and by smoked I mean on a regular basis) I am so sorry. This all came from someone smoking in my room too early in the morning.
Well now, I must be going. Guess I had a lot on my little mind.... guestbook’s up, comments are up and of course, you could always email me (you can use my reg addy if you know it, and if not, its